Nebraska Abortion Amendment

Nebraska Abortion Amendment

Vote No on Initiative 439

Vote No on Initiative 439

Initiative 439 is a dangerous and deceptive amendment that will cement unregulated, late-pregnancy abortions in Nebraska’s Constitution. Funded by out-of-state special interests and pushed by America’s largest abortion corporation, this initiative puts Nebraska women, families, and babies at risk.

Why Vote No?

Creates a Right to Late-Pregnancy Abortion:

"Fetal viability" is defined so broadly that elective abortions will occur well into the second and third trimesters, far beyond Nebraska's current law allowing abortions only through the first trimester and in cases of rape, incest, or to save the mother's life.

Forces Taxpayers to Fund Abortion:

Abortion activists will use this language to force taxpayers to fund abortion, as they are already doing in other states.

Threatens All Health and Safety Regulations:

After similar proposals passed in Michigan and Ohio, decades of common-sense health and safety laws were eliminated. This includes informed consent laws, state licensure requirements, and routine health and safety inspections.

Puts Vulnerable Babies at Risk:

Babies born at 32-36 weeks and even later often need the help of medical equipment to breathe-one example of an "extraordinary medical measure." Under this ballot proposal, these babies are not "viable" and will be aborted.

Allows Abortion Clinic Employees to Decide Viability:

This vague and undefined language will result in non-doctors, including abortion clinic employees, having the sole discretion to decide if a baby is "viable" and can be aborted.

Removes Parental Rights:

By using "persons" instead of "women," any girl under the age of 18 could have an abortion without her parent's consent or knowledge.

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